Thursday, August 28, 2008

Post Race Wrap-Up

Check out coverage of the Inaugural Nottingham Kids Triathlon in the Mount Airy Gazette.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Giving Back

Thanks to the generisoty of our sponsors (The Greene Turtle, Illiano & Sweet, J&P Pizza, All American Bicycle Center, The Snack Shack, and brian lausch photography) the Inaugural Nottingham Knights & Maidens Triathlon was able to break even with the race related expenses. The special edition ipod shuffle raffle item donated by brian lausch photography raised $90, all of which is being donated to The Erik Lerch Foundation.

We are looking forward to next year and growing the event. Our goal is to double the size of the triathlon and introduce more kids to the sport of triathlons and help support the community at the same time.

Your involvement with your kid’s at the Inaugural Nottingham Knights & Maidens Triathlon shows your supportiveness of your child’s need for a healthy active lifestyle and triathlon as a new challenging goal for their physical fitness. The triathlon intended to expose our youngest triathletes to basic elements of triathlon and give them a taste of the unique sense of accomplishment that comes with finishing a triathlon.

We hope to see you all again next year!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Thanks to All

Thank you all for coming out and racing in the Inaugural Nottingham Knights & Maidens Triathlon.

I am so proud of all of the kids. The race course was not easy, as defiantly was NOT flat. But they pushed through and crossed the finish line running.

Thanks to all of the parents, volunteers and sponsors to all of their support. It could not be done without you.

Hope to see you all again next summer!


Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Swim. Bike. Run. Eat. Groove.

Immediately following the race, there will be a post-race party with lots of great snacks and goodies for the participants. Please be sure to stay until the final participant has crossed the finish line for some great door prizes provided by All American Bicycle Center.

There will also be a raffle drawing for an ipod shuffle donated by brian lausch photography. All participants have one compliementry entry for this drawing. Additional entries can be purchased for $1 each. All proceeds will be donated to The Erik Lerch Foundation.

So be sure to stick around for all the after race festivities.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Bike and Run Maps

Please see the links below for the bike and run maps. You will need to zoom-in on the highlighted green map area. We will also have printed maps on hand at race check-in. Please note that all distances are approximate.

There will be a pre-race meeting in the transition area (top parking lot) at 8:50 to review the courses, and other important race and safety information.

Bike Map

Run Map

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Sponsors Announced

Thank you to the following sponsors and contributors making the Inaugural Nottingham Knights & Maidens Triathlon possible: All American Bicycle Center, Illiano & Sweet Properties, New York J&P Pizza, The Greene Turtle, brian lausch photography and The Snack Shack.
Now through race day, All American Bicycle Center is providing free bicycle safety inspections at their Damascus, MD location and will be on site to provide race day support: pump up tires, lube a squeaky chain, tighten a loose handlebar or do an emergency tube replacement. All American will also be handing out discount coupons and has donated several door prizes.

It wouldn't be a race without a race bib, and New York J&P Pizza and The Greene Turtle have teamed up to provide each participant with an official Inaugural Nottingham Knights & Maidens Triathlon bib. And, so that participants remember being a part of this inaugural event, brian lausch photography will be providing event photography.